
Thank you for being loud enough to fight off my demons
Pealing my past like snake skin
Thank you for being soothing enough when I'm crying
Soaking up the "years" from within

Thank you for saying what my heart stumbles with
Stuttering out the pain I want to shake
Thank you for saving my head from disrespect
Wrapping your arms around me when I wake

Thank for covering my soul
Blanketing the warmth I still need
Thank you for showing me an out
With a door to the me I long to be

Careless Whispers

You threw them out like a grenade
with no care for what damage you've done
One right after the other I can barely catch my breathe
Wondering when the hurt will stop
Or I have the strength to run

As I look around at the debris youve made
I feel like I'm at war
Yet you were once the place I found shelter
And I can barely get myself up off the floor

Your words don't reflect your head
I can't unhear what you've said
But now that your heart is exposed
I will rise out before I explode

Your words are careless
Your tongue caused such a mess
Yet I how do rise from how you've painted me
From the lingering thoughts that pins down what I want to be

What's in an Ace?

I'm Ace! Been writing poetry since I was 16 and love being able to share it with you. I love comments, good or bad, it's my art and I'm always looking to get better. l8er t8er!