Why can't I love my way
loved instead of just prey
Stand firm in the face of what others expect
so I can look back without regret

Why would I ever settle for less?
How did I get caught up in this mess?
It's the most amazing thing longing for more
Yet when it stares us down we are done for.

I'm capable of love
yet Why do I shove
our life is full of walls and bridges
with a constant feeling like were in braces

The loves we left behind
or the ones that dropped us to seek and find
are still causing damage to the hearts
shackling us from truly new starts

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What's in an Ace?

I'm Ace! Been writing poetry since I was 16 and love being able to share it with you. I love comments, good or bad, it's my art and I'm always looking to get better. l8er t8er!