If you tilt your head in pity at me
I might have to punch you in the face.
I'm not saying this out of anger at all
it's my final resort to and only way to snap you into place.
I believe you were amazed for the things you did
that could have kept me from such danger.
Not once did I tilt my head showing pity for you
we're both human and fell victim to this caper.
I'm amazed at the little amounts of grace and forgiveness
we use the words but can't seem to practice
at what point do you finally use all that book knowledge
It seems like more of a degree in drama since you're such a good actress.
I wonder who learned the most in all of this chaous
where was it applied between the screams, prayers and drama.
Let me relieve you of your concern for me as I hope you reflect
seeing an image that can only be loved by your mama.
The cliché's and analogies have all been used at nauseam,
The shades have been removed to reveal your poker face,
I hope for a world that can final build bridges instead of walls
Where the past replaces harmony with one erase.
Copyright 2007